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Surat untuk keluarga Sahabat Kristus
(Yayasan Eunike, 2024)Di era digital ini, sebenarnya eksistensi surat sudah tergeser oleh pesan elektronik. Namun, surat dari buku ini adalah surat yang spesial karena menghadirkan pesan inspiratif yang menyapa dan menyentuh hati setiap individu ... -
Amare Verbum : Studi Biblikal Komunitas SAAT
(LP2M Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT, 2023)Buku ini adalah salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan kecintaan terhadap Alkitab. Tulisan-tulisan di dalam buku ini memperlihatkan sebuah proses menerapkan penafsiran yang bertanggung jawab dengan melakukan eksegesis (penggalian) ... -
Tiga Wanita
(Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT, 2023) -
Seeing What Jesus Sees: The Harvest Is Now
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2023-05)Panitia Peringatan HUT STT SAAT ke-70 (September 2022) memilih tema ini atas ide dari Pdt. Dr. Daniel Lucas Lukito (alm.). Pada awal diskusi tim inti panitia, Pak Daniel menyampaikan idenya yang didasarkan pada Yohanes ... -
For Christ, For The Church, For The World, and For God's Glory : Kumpulan Tulisan Para Pendidik Teologi STT SAAT Dalam Rangka Memperingati HUT STT SAAT Ke-70
(Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT, 2023)Artikel-artikel ini diharapkan menjadi sumbangsih pengajar-pengajar STT Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara untuk kemajuan pemikiran teologis dan kehidupan bergereja di Indonesia serta untuk kemuliaan Allah itu sendiri yang ... -
40 Days of Lent for Youth
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2023-04)Injil Markus dibuka dengan kalimat “Inilah permulaan Injil tentang Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah.” Kata penghubung “tentang” dalam bahasa asli Alkitab sebenarnya juga bisa menunjukkan “Injil yang diberitakan oleh Yesus Kristus,” ... -
Gereja di Tengah Gejolak Zaman
(Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT, 2022-09)Buku ini berisi tulisan-tulisan buah karya Pdt. Daniel L. Lukito, sebelum beliau wafat. Artikel-artikel ini telah dibagikan kepada gereja, para hamba Tuhan, dan para pendukung STT SAAT. Tulisan-tulisan pendek itu didasari ... -
Reconfiguring Asian Theology from the Ground Up: Watchman Nee and John Sung on Scriptural Interpretation
(University of Toronto, 2022)“Asian theology”, as a separate category within contemporary theological studies, has proven problematic on several fronts. Among the category’s most significant challenges has been its failure to engage fairly and ... -
Wisdom As Divine Discourse: An Exegetical-Theological Study of the Book of Proverbs
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2021)While scholars typically conceive of wisdom in Proverbs as lacking in appeal to divine revelation, this dissertation argues that the book of Proverbs intends for readers to take wisdom’s instructions as a divine discourse ... -
Dwelling with God : Psalms 120-134 for Indonesian worship
(Ann Arbor, MI: Proquest, 2021)This ministry project seeks to discover the biblical and theological significance of Psalms 120-134 and provide suggestions for their use in Indonesian worship. Chapter 1 introduces the Indonesian context and the rationale, ... -
Setia Kepada Kristus Dalam Doktrin Dan Praktik: Penangkal Ajaran Palsu
(Seminar Alkitab Asia Tenggara, 2011-08)Surat Kolose dikirim Paulus dari penjara karena dua alasan: pertama, Epafras, teman sekerja Paulus mengunjunginya dan menyampaikan situasi jemaat di Kolose yang sedang diserang oleh ajaran sesat (2:4), semacam gnostisisme. ... -
Perjanjian Lausanne 1974: Revitalisasi Missio Dei Evangelikal
(ATI Annual Meeting, Malang, 2017)Paradigma misi evangelikal sering dipahami secara sempit, bersifat salvific. Artinya, misi yang hanya menekankan usaha penginjilan dengan cara mengonversi (menobatkan) atau menyelamatkan “jiwa-jiwa yang terhilang,” orang-orang ... -
Reimagining Presence and Absence: Luke 24 as a Model for Christophanic Multipresent Church
(Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021), 2022)The blending phenomenon of offline-online religious practices is considered a solution for today’s churches struggling to reconsider their identity and expression in communicating the faith during the pandemic. However, ... -
How Balinese Hindus interpret the story adapted from the story of the Syrophoenician woman found in the Christian Bible in Mark 7:24–30
(Verbum et Ecclesia 43, No. 1 (10 June 2022), a2440, 2022-06)This article proposes an alternate way of reading the story of the Syrophoenician woman found in the Christian Bible in Mark 7:24–30. The goal of this contextual reading is to see how cultural and ethnic identity affects ... -
Good Character Deserves Respect And Must Be The Hero! : How Chinese Women In Indonesia Perceive Syrophoenician Woman And Jesus In Mark 7.24-30
(European Journal of Science and Theology,Vol.18, No.2, pp. 41-59, 2022-04)This study focuses on the correlation between three psychological variables and how Chinese women in Indonesia perceive Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7.24-30 (N = 230, M age = 41.70). The three psychological ... -
Postcolonial Reading of the Bible: (Evangelical) Friend or Foe?
(Jurnal Jaffray Vol 19, No 2, 2021)Reading the Bible through a postcolonial lens has become today’s trend in biblical hermeneutics. It triggers pros and cons within the evangelical circle. Is it friend or foe? Rather than uncritically accepting or refusing ... -
Scriptural Literacy in Muslim-Christian Reading of the Scriptures Together : Significance, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Indonesian Context
(The Centre for Muslim Christian Studies, 2021)Reading Muslim-Christian scriptures together is a form of interfaith dialogue. It engages the scriptures’ interpretation by identifying the text’s plain sense to address a particular topic or issue. However, the activity ... -
Perbandingan Konsep Teodise John Calvin dan C. S. Lewis serta Relevansinya terhadap Sikap Fatalistik dalam Menghadapi Covid-19
(Dunamis: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2021)The world is currently enduring an epidemic of COVID-19 which causes suffering and pain. Facing the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian people have shown various responses. One popular respond is theological fatalism, which ... -
Merdeka belajar dari perspektif teologis
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2021)