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Reimposing Dār Al-Salām and the Kingdom of God in the Indonesian Context: A Detour from Geopolitical Territorialization to Religioethical Conversation.
(Territoriality and Hospitality: Christian and Muslim Perspectives : A festschrift for Lamin Sanneh, ed. John Azumah and Cheikh Anta Babou (Carlisle: Langham Global Library, 2024), 2024)Several factors have triggered world religious conflicts. Aside from scriptural and doctrinal issues, one crucial factor is territory or territorialization. Simply put, the question often boils down to this: Who is in ... -
Jeremiah's Prophetic Authenticity: Tracing the Mosaic Prophetic Tradition
(Old Testament Essays 37/2 (2024):1-24, 2024)This article re-evaluates the criteria for determining the authenticity of Hebrew prophets, focusing on tracing the Mosaic prophetic tradition in Jeremiah’s life and ministry. While prophecy fulfilment is commonly used to ... -
Reimagining Presence and Absence: Luke 24 as a Model for Christophanic Multipresent Church
(Proceedings of the International Conference on Theology, Humanities, and Christian Education (ICONTHCE 2021), 2022)The blending phenomenon of offline-online religious practices is considered a solution for today’s churches struggling to reconsider their identity and expression in communicating the faith during the pandemic. However, ... -
How Balinese Hindus interpret the story adapted from the story of the Syrophoenician woman found in the Christian Bible in Mark 7:24–30
(Verbum et Ecclesia 43, No. 1 (10 June 2022), a2440, 2022-06)This article proposes an alternate way of reading the story of the Syrophoenician woman found in the Christian Bible in Mark 7:24–30. The goal of this contextual reading is to see how cultural and ethnic identity affects ... -
Good Character Deserves Respect And Must Be The Hero! : How Chinese Women In Indonesia Perceive Syrophoenician Woman And Jesus In Mark 7.24-30
(European Journal of Science and Theology,Vol.18, No.2, pp. 41-59, 2022-04)This study focuses on the correlation between three psychological variables and how Chinese women in Indonesia perceive Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7.24-30 (N = 230, M age = 41.70). The three psychological ... -
Postcolonial Reading of the Bible: (Evangelical) Friend or Foe?
(Jurnal Jaffray Vol 19, No 2, 2021)Reading the Bible through a postcolonial lens has become today’s trend in biblical hermeneutics. It triggers pros and cons within the evangelical circle. Is it friend or foe? Rather than uncritically accepting or refusing ... -
Perbandingan Konsep Teodise John Calvin dan C. S. Lewis serta Relevansinya terhadap Sikap Fatalistik dalam Menghadapi Covid-19
(Dunamis: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2021)The world is currently enduring an epidemic of COVID-19 which causes suffering and pain. Facing the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian people have shown various responses. One popular respond is theological fatalism, which ... -
Merdeka belajar dari perspektif teologis
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2021) -
Arah, tujuan dan komitment dalam merdeka belajar
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2021) -
Sikap Ekumenikal Dan Evangelikal Terhadap Agama-Agama Lain: Sebuah Analisis Perbandingan Historis-Teologis
(Dunamis 5 no. 1, 2020)Di tengah kebangkitan agama-agama dunia, berbagai tubuh Kristen Protestan (utamanya kaum ekumenikal dan evangelikal) secara fragmentatis terbagi dalam sikap-sikap yang berbeda terhadap iman-iman yang lain. Mereka mengajukan ... -
Seberapa Teologiskah Teologi Biblika?: Relasi Antara Teologi Sistematika Dan Teologi Biblika
(Jurnal Efata 6 no 2, 2020)Relasi teologi sistematika dan teologi biblika pada masakini dipandang sebagai dua bidang ilmu yang terpisah. Teologi biblika hanya berupaya mencari apa makna teks pada masa penulis Alkitab sedangkan teologi sistematika ... -
Identitas Kaum Injili Dan Perannya Dalam Memperkembangkan Teologi
(Stulos 18 no. 1, 2020)Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan identitas Injili dalam kaitannya dengan tugas berteologi pada masa kini. Injili adalah gerakan yang menekankan kepercayaan pada doktrindoktrin ortodoks Kristen serta perubahan di dalam ... -
Release from Batara Kala’s Grip: A Biblical Approach to Ruwatan from the Perspective of Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians
(Evangelical Review of Theology vol. 43 no 2, 2019)Ruwatan is a ritual that has been practiced by the Javanese people (the largest ethnic group in Indonesia) for centuries. The word ruwatan comes from ruwat, which means ‘to free’ or ‘to liberate’. Ruwatan is ‘a ritual to ... -
Abangan Muslims, Javanese Worldview, and Muslim–Christian Relations in Indonesia
(Transformation, 2020-10)One of the many faces of Islam in Indonesia is the abangan Muslims or the abangans. As one of the most populous Muslim groups in the country, it is important to know them. To understand Indonesian Islam or Muslims, one ... -
The Unending Dialogue of Gospel and Culture
(BPK Gunung Mulia, 1999) -
Jemaat Sebagai Konselor Kristen
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman Edisi Kedua, 1985) -
Eksposisi Daniel 9
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 5 no. 1, 1990) -
Antara Panteisme dan Kekristenan
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman Edisi Perdana, 1984)Colin Chapman berpendapat bahwa banyak ahli teologia dalam abad 20 ini telah dipengaruhi oleh agama-agama timur, yang memiliki dasar asumsi dari pandangan panteisme. Sekalipun mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak meninggalkan ... -
Sekilas Tentang Penafsiran Kitab Wahyu
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 5 no. 1, 1990)