Browsing Faculty Research and Publications by Title
Now showing items 36-55 of 88
Ineransi: Suatu Pengkajian Ulang
(Reformed Institute Press, 2000) -
Jemaat Sebagai Konselor Kristen
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman Edisi Kedua, 1985) -
Kecenderungan Gerakan Oikumene Dewasa Ini
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 6, no. 1, 1991)Artikel ini membahas sekilas tentang arti oikumene dari sudut etimologinya di dalam Alkitab dan pengertiannya bagi gereja. Juga berikutnya dipaparkan tentang pekerjaan atau aktivitas yang telah dilakukan oleh DGD sampai ... -
Kedaulatan Allah Dalam Pelayanan Gereja
(Gereja Kalam Kudus Malang, 2018) -
Ketritunggalan Allah
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman Edisi Perdana, 1984) -
Kisah Berakhirnya Sejarah (Eksegesis Matius 24)
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 5 no. 1, 1990) -
Kristologi Dalam Kitab Mazmur (Pengharapan Tentang Kristus)
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 7 no. 1, 1991)Tradisi Yahudi dan Kristen meyakini bahwa banyak pasal-pasal dalam kitab Mazmur berbicara tentang Kristus. Pasal-pasal tersebut digolongkan dalam mazmur-mazmur mesianis. Dalam mazmur-mazmur tersebut, pengharapan tentang ... -
Logos Christology : An Interaction Between Early Christian Beliefs and Modern Scholars Attempts to Relate Them to the Asian Context
(Stulos Theological Journal v. 1, no. 2, 1993)The purpose of this article is to examine Christology as it has been developed from a theology of the Word (Logos). Since this way of viewing Christ can be observed specifically from a study of early Christian thought, the ... -
Making Christology Relevant to the Third World : Applying Christopraxis to Local Struggle
(P. Lang, 1998)This study offers a wholistic way of doing christology in a world that is torn apart religiously, economically, and politically. It seeks to broaden the scope of what it means to believe in Christ in today's complex struggle. ... -
Mandat Pemuridan Keluarga: Kolaborasi
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2021)Buku “Mandat Pemuridan Keluarga – Kolaborasi” merupakan kumpulan kesaksian dari gereja-gereja yang mengikuti gerakan Ulangan 6 yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Eunike sejak tahun 2013. Gereja-gereja ini adalah gereja yang ... -
The Matthean Beatitudes : Its Literary Function and Theological Message
(Trinity Theological College, 2010)This research discusses the literary form and structure of the Matthean Beatitudes in order to delineate its particular literary function and theological message. At the outset, it is submitted that the first discourse of ... -
Menjadi Mahasiswa Teologi yang Berhasil
(Literatur SAAT, 2005)Dalam buku ini meliputi hal-hal mendasar seperti cara belajar, menghadapi ujian, membaca buku dan membuat laporan, menulis makalah, cara penulisan skripsi dan tesis. Pedoman ini disajikan sebagai perbandingan antara kaidah ... -
Merdeka belajar : perspektif pendidikan Kristen menuju transformasi anak bangsa
Kumpulan materi Simposium Nasional Pendidikan Kristen Indonesia oleh Komunitas Pendidik Kristen Indonesia (PK +62) -
Merdeka belajar dari perspektif teologis
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2021) -
The New Covenant at Qumran
(2018-07)This paper answers what the community at Qumran think about new covenant. It covers three manuscripts (Temple Scrolla [11Q19], Rule of the Community [1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11, 5Q13] and Damascus Document [4Q266-273, 5Q12, ... -
Oracle against Israel's social injustices: a rhetorical analysis of Amos 2:6-8
(HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies Vol 66, No 1, 2010-01)This article applied rhetorical analysis to an analysis of Amos’ prophetic oracle against Israel’s social injustices in Amos 2:6–8. The prophet uses a major rhetorical genre, namely judicial rhetoric, and several smaller ... -
Pengantar Teologia Kristen
(Penerbit Kalam Hidup, 1992) -
Pengujian Validitas dan Reliabilitas Skala Dukungan Iman
(Jurnal Psikologi Ulayat, 2019)The formation of faith in adolescents and young people is rooted in their interaction with parents, both father, and mother, as well as friends. Adolescence and young adulthood are periods of seeking faith in various aspects ... -
Perbandingan Konsep Teodise John Calvin dan C. S. Lewis serta Relevansinya terhadap Sikap Fatalistik dalam Menghadapi Covid-19
(Dunamis: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2021)The world is currently enduring an epidemic of COVID-19 which causes suffering and pain. Facing the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesian people have shown various responses. One popular respond is theological fatalism, which ...