Browsing Faculty Research and Publications by Title
Now showing items 19-38 of 90
Esensi dan Relevansi Teologi Reformasi
(Reformed Institute Press, 2000) -
Filantropi Kristen : Suatu Tinjauan dari Alkitab Tentang "Si Lemah"
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 6 no. 2, 1991) -
For Christ, For The Church, For The World, and For God's Glory : Kumpulan Tulisan Para Pendidik Teologi STT SAAT Dalam Rangka Memperingati HUT STT SAAT Ke-70
(Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT, 2023)Artikel-artikel ini diharapkan menjadi sumbangsih pengajar-pengajar STT Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara untuk kemajuan pemikiran teologis dan kehidupan bergereja di Indonesia serta untuk kemuliaan Allah itu sendiri yang ... -
The Function of Exorcism Stories in Mark's Gospel
(Wipf and Stock, 2019)This book investigates stories of Jesus’ exorcisms in the Gospel of Mark. The story of Jesus’ first public ministry in the synagogue (Mark 1:21–28) and the Beelzebul controversy story (3:20–30) are examined to understand ... -
Gerakan Kharismatik : Gerakan Transendentalisasi?
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 1, 1986) -
Gereja di Tengah Gejolak Zaman
(Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT, 2022-09)Buku ini berisi tulisan-tulisan buah karya Pdt. Daniel L. Lukito, sebelum beliau wafat. Artikel-artikel ini telah dibagikan kepada gereja, para hamba Tuhan, dan para pendukung STT SAAT. Tulisan-tulisan pendek itu didasari ... -
Gereja, Kepemimpinan, dan Kesenjangan Antar Generasi
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 8, no. 2, 1993) -
Good Character Deserves Respect And Must Be The Hero! : How Chinese Women In Indonesia Perceive Syrophoenician Woman And Jesus In Mark 7.24-30
(European Journal of Science and Theology,Vol.18, No.2, pp. 41-59, 2022-04)This study focuses on the correlation between three psychological variables and how Chinese women in Indonesia perceive Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7.24-30 (N = 230, M age = 41.70). The three psychological ... -
Good Character Deserves Respect and Must be The Hero! How Chinese Women in Indonesia Perceive Syrophoenician Woman and Jesus in Mark 7:24–30
(Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT, 2020) -
Hakekat dan Kritik terhadap Teologi Kemakmuran (Dengan Eksposisi Wahyu 3:14-20)
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman v. 6 no. 1, 1991) -
Hamba yang melayani : sebuah bunga rampai persembahan dari para dosen Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara dalam rangka hari ulang tahun ke-80 Pdt. Dr. Peter Wongso.
(Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara, 2011) -
Historiography of Chronicles as reflected in its account of Solomon's reign
(Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2010)This dissertation is a study of "intertextuality" between the books of Chronicles and Kings, focusing on the Solomon narrative. Contrary to the current scholarly conviction that Chronicles is unreliable historiography, ... -
How Balinese Hindus interpret the story adapted from the story of the Syrophoenician woman found in the Christian Bible in Mark 7:24–30
(Verbum et Ecclesia 43, No. 1 (10 June 2022), a2440, 2022-06)This article proposes an alternate way of reading the story of the Syrophoenician woman found in the Christian Bible in Mark 7:24–30. The goal of this contextual reading is to see how cultural and ethnic identity affects ... -
How Balinese with Majority Hindu Interpret the Story Adapted from the Story of Syrophoenician Woman found in the Christian Bible in Mark 7:24-30
(Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT, 2020) -
Humor in Hebrew Bible : Some Types, Their Linguistic Features and Observations on Some of Their Translation in The Indonesian Context
(2003)Humor is such a fundamental aspect of human nature. Humor was found in ancient near eastern texts and inevitably it is found too in the Hebrew bible. Humor is dependent upon the cultural conventions of the moment and so ... -
Identitas Kaum Injili Dan Perannya Dalam Memperkembangkan Teologi
(Stulos 18 no. 1, 2020)Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan identitas Injili dalam kaitannya dengan tugas berteologi pada masa kini. Injili adalah gerakan yang menekankan kepercayaan pada doktrindoktrin ortodoks Kristen serta perubahan di dalam ... -
Iman Kristen di Tengah Pandemi : Hidup Realistis ketika Penderitaan dan Kematian Merebak
(LP2M STT SAAT, 2020)Pandemi Covid-19 sesungguhnya adalah sebuah wake-up call bagi umat manusia di mana saja. Tuhan sedang menyadarkan manusia di seluruh bumi ini bahwa mereka semua hanya memiliki “little power” di tengah kelumpuhan di segala ... -
Ineransi: Suatu Pengkajian Ulang
(Reformed Institute Press, 2000) -
Jemaat Sebagai Konselor Kristen
(Jurnal Pelita Zaman Edisi Kedua, 1985) -
Jeremiah's Prophetic Authenticity: Tracing the Mosaic Prophetic Tradition
(Old Testament Essays 37/2 (2024):1-24, 2024)This article re-evaluates the criteria for determining the authenticity of Hebrew prophets, focusing on tracing the Mosaic prophetic tradition in Jeremiah’s life and ministry. While prophecy fulfilment is commonly used to ...