Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Abangan Muslims, Javanese Worldview, and Muslim–Christian Relations in Indonesia
(Transformation, 2020-10)
One of the many faces of Islam in Indonesia is the abangan Muslims or the abangans. As one of the most populous Muslim groups in the country, it is important to know them. To understand Indonesian Islam or Muslims, one ...
Sikap Ekumenikal Dan Evangelikal Terhadap Agama-Agama Lain: Sebuah Analisis Perbandingan Historis-Teologis
(Dunamis 5 no. 1, 2020)
Di tengah kebangkitan agama-agama dunia, berbagai tubuh Kristen Protestan (utamanya kaum ekumenikal dan evangelikal) secara fragmentatis terbagi dalam sikap-sikap yang berbeda terhadap iman-iman yang lain. Mereka mengajukan ...
Postcolonial Reading of the Bible: (Evangelical) Friend or Foe?
(Jurnal Jaffray Vol 19, No 2, 2021)
Reading the Bible through a postcolonial lens has become today’s trend in biblical hermeneutics. It triggers pros and cons within the evangelical circle. Is it friend or foe? Rather than uncritically accepting or refusing ...
Jeremiah's Prophetic Authenticity: Tracing the Mosaic Prophetic Tradition
(Old Testament Essays 37/2 (2024):1-24, 2024)
This article re-evaluates the criteria for determining the authenticity of Hebrew prophets, focusing on tracing the Mosaic prophetic tradition in Jeremiah’s life and ministry. While prophecy fulfilment is commonly used to ...
Reimposing Dār Al-Salām and the Kingdom of God in the Indonesian Context: A Detour from Geopolitical Territorialization to Religioethical Conversation.
(Territoriality and Hospitality: Christian and Muslim Perspectives : A festschrift for Lamin Sanneh, ed. John Azumah and Cheikh Anta Babou (Carlisle: Langham Global Library, 2024), 2024)
Several factors have triggered world religious conflicts. Aside from scriptural and doctrinal issues, one crucial factor is territory or territorialization. Simply put, the question often boils down to this: Who is in ...